Hellbound = hardcore. Originated in 1995, at the peak of Gabber in the 90’s. The decades passed and Hellbound stayed true to itself: only the purest of hardcore music. Never followed trends, never fell into an identity crisis, never got estranged from our friends; the fans of rising BPM’s and monstrous bass.

De Samenzwering
De Samenzwering is a Dutch phrase that means ‘the conspiracy’. This is our most exclusive party: our ultimate collab concept. De Samenzwering only takes place when Multigroove finds the right partner for the most intense collaboration. Therefore we need true rave DNA, the true spirit of house music. First edition of De Samenzwering was in 2019 with Q-dance, second in 2024 with NMNH.
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Ground Zero
At Ground Zero Festival, held every August at the mystical scenery of Thermen Buslloo, we welcome the dark. Ground Zero is the only outdoor festival for harder styles at night. And that is where hardcore belongs. Over a hundred artists and twenty thousand hardcore souls make this the hardest gathering of the summer.
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We welcome you to our kingdom of the true hardcore spirit. Gabberland is governed by the collaborative forces of Hellbound, PRSPCT and Ouwe Stijl is Botergeil.
Our emotional state of choice is ecstasy
Our religion of choice is music.
Our politics of choice is none.