Our Stance Against Drug Use

Together for a Healthy Festival Experience

Partying is a way to escape the daily grind, come together with friends, and celebrate the joy of music and dance. At Multigroove, we’re proud of our rich history in organizing the most memorable parties and events in the Netherlands. From the early days of the rave scene to contemporary events, we’ve always strived for a safe and enjoyable environment for all our visitors.

One of Multigroove’s core values is advocating for a healthy and responsible party experience. We understand that the party scene is sometimes associated with drug use, but we want to make it clear that we do not encourage or tolerate drug use at our events. Safety and well-being are always our top priorities.

Our Campaign Against Drug Use

At Multi Groove, we believe it’s possible to enjoy great music, a fantastic atmosphere, and the company of others without the need for narcotics. That’s why we actively campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of drug use and encourage our visitors to stay sober and look out for each other.

During our events, you’ll see various initiatives aimed at promoting a safe and healthy party culture. We work with experienced security teams, first aid professionals, and other organizations to ensure everyone can have a great time without taking risks.

Need Help? Verslavingshulp Nederland Is Here for You

However, we also understand that drug addiction can be a serious problem, and we want to offer the right help to our visitors who are struggling with addiction. If you notice that you or someone you know is having difficulty staying off drugs, it’s important to know that help is available.

Multigroove collaborates with Verslavingshulp Nederland, an organization dedicated to providing professional help and support to people dealing with addiction. Whether it’s advice, counseling, or a treatment program, Verslavingshulp Nederland is ready to help.

Visit their website for more information or to seek help directly. You are not alone, and there is always a way out.

Together for a Safe Party Culture

Let’s work together to create a party culture that is safe, inclusive, and sober. At Multigroove, we remain committed to organizing events where everyone is welcome and feels safe. We hope you’ll join us in promoting these values so that we can continue to enjoy the music and moments that connect us.

Do you need help? Contact Verslavingshulp Nederland for professional support.

Let’s ensure that partying remains fun and safe for everyone!